RTT (Rapid Transformational Therapy®)
I am Dr. Gretel Garcia, a Chinese Medical Physician specializing in acupuncture. I have had a practice in Miami FL, for over 10 years. I treat patients with different conditions such as pain, emotional (anxiety, depression, stress), fertility issues, migraines, allergies, digestive disorders, etc. I am pleased to announce that I am now adding a powerful Therapy that is called RTT (Rapid Transformational Therapy). This Therapy was founded over 30 years ago by Marisa Peer from England and combines powerful modalities like hypnosis, NPL (Neuro Linguistic Programming), neuroscience, neuroplasticity and elements of cognitive psychology). IT can take up to 3 sessions for long lasting transformation. It can be case dependent, so it can also be less or more, depending on the situation or person. I will guide you by using RTT to the root cause of the presenting issue that could be physically (any symptom or disease) or emotionally. You can transform your life and have the life that you want. RTT changes the meaning and interpretations of the thoughts that create the beliefs. It reframes thinking and there by diffuses the emotions. Reserve now a 30 min. complementary call to discuss about your transformation.